St. Martin de Porres is dedicated to making our parish a safe place for all children, vulnerable adults and families. We follow the Fort Worth Diocesan guidelines with regards to protecting God’s children. Click HERE to learn more. If your certification is expiring soon, please contact Alexis Campbell for next steps.
Creating a safe environment for children and young people is a diocesan priority. Article 12 of the US Bishops’ document, The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, requires U.S. dioceses to establish “safe environment programs” and gives the necessary elements of these programs. All new volunteers are to be interviewed and screened.
The diocesan safe environment program includes:
This policy extends to:
Safe Environment Awareness training is also required for participation in or volunteering for activities or events that are not specifically designed to minister to children/youth, but for which is reasonable to think that they may at times have contact with children outside the sight or hearing of other responsible adults, (e.g. due to the facilities, location, time, or likely presence of children/youth in the proximity of the activities or events.
Safe Environment training encourages and reinforces a culture of awareness, knowledge and vigilance in protecting all within the parishes, schools, and Diocese. Even if someone in volunteer ministry is not interacting with children, Safe Environment Awareness training is extremely important to inform and protect not only children and vulnerable persons, but also to protect volunteers from unintentionally violating policies.
Any questions or need for clarification as to whether a ministry, activity, event or volunteer service may require Safe Environment training should be be directed to Alexis Campbell, Safe Environment Champion for our parish.
1. Completion of the Volunteer Ministry Application, including the names and contact information of 3 (non-family member) references, who will be contacted. In order to expedite the processing of forms, email addresses are preferred.
2. Signed Authorization for Release of Information Form.
3. Completion of the Background Check.
4. Successful completion of the Safe Environment Awareness Training.
5. Signed Code of Conduct Agreement form upon review of the Diocesan Code of Conduct & Behavior Standards for All Clergy, Religious and Lay Ministers. Please be sure to include the Standards of Behavior page (with all boxes checked), as well as the completed signature page.
Please return completed documents to Alexis Campbell, either by email, or drop off at the parish office.
Safe Environment Awareness Training is offered by the Diocese of Fort Worth and is called Protecting God’s Children for Adults, a program provided through Virtus. Please follow the instructions below to register for an Adult Safe Environment Awareness Training Session.
VIRTUS Procedure, Profile Creation & Logging In
Creating a VIRTUS profile allows you to view, and to sign up for, in person Safe Environment Awareness Sessions. Please choose from the options below.